Knowing your why??

people don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it – Why ‘ Knowing Why ‘ is Important

Know your Why is Important - By Sathya Narayanan - Best Digital Marketer in Trivandrum, Kerala

Why ‘Knowing Why’ is Important

Ever wondered why companies like Apple, Google, and Amazon are celebrated and revered globally? Despite having numerous competitors, these brands have carved out unique identities and loyal followings. Their secret? They understand their ‘why’.

The Power of ‘Why’

Simon Sinek, in his famous TED Talk and book Start with Why, explained that “people don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” This principle is at the core of why these big brands are not just successful but iconic.

Apple: More Than Just Technology

Apple doesn’t just sell products; it sells a vision of innovation and design excellence. Their ‘why’ is to challenge the status quo and think differently, which resonates deeply with their audience. This underlying purpose is what creates such a strong emotional connection with customers, making them loyal advocates of the brand.

Google: Organizing the World’s Information

Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. This clear purpose drives everything they do, from search algorithms to their forays into artificial intelligence. People use Google not just because it’s effective, but because it embodies a vision of democratizing information.

Amazon: Customer Obsession

Amazon’s ‘why’ revolves around being the most customer-centric company on Earth. This deep commitment to customer satisfaction drives their innovations, from one-click shopping to Prime delivery. Customers trust Amazon because they know the company is dedicated to making their lives easier.

Why Knowing ‘Why’ is Crucial

1. Clarity and Focus

Understanding why you are pursuing a particular goal helps clarify your vision and sharpen your focus. For instance, in business, knowing why a project is critical to the company’s mission can guide your team’s efforts and resources towards the right objectives, ensuring everyone is aligned and motivated.

2. Motivation and Commitment

When you have a clear understanding of the reasons behind your actions, it becomes easier to stay motivated. This intrinsic motivation often leads to higher levels of commitment and perseverance, especially during challenging times. For example, an architect who understands the impact of their designs on the community will be more driven to deliver exceptional work.

3. Better Decision Making

Knowing why something needs to be done can enhance your decision-making process. It enables you to weigh the pros and cons more effectively and choose the path that aligns best with your underlying goals. This is particularly crucial in digital marketing, where understanding the why behind a strategy can lead to more effective campaigns and better ROI.

4. Innovation and Creativity

Understanding the underlying reasons behind existing solutions or problems can spark innovation. When you know why something works (or doesn’t work), you can think creatively about how to improve it. This is how many groundbreaking ideas and innovations come to life.

5. Building Trust and Credibility

In any leadership role, being able to explain the why behind your decisions builds trust and credibility with your team and stakeholders. It shows that your actions are thought-out and purpose-driven, which can foster a more positive and collaborative environment.

6. Personal Growth and Fulfillment

On a personal level, knowing why you are pursuing certain goals or making certain choices leads to a more fulfilling life. It aligns your actions with your values and passions, making your journey more meaningful and satisfying.

7. Enhanced Communication

Understanding and communicating the why behind your ideas or strategies makes it easier to persuade and inspire others. Whether it’s a marketing plan or an architectural project, clearly articulating the purpose behind your actions can galvanize support and drive collective action.


In every aspect of life and business, understanding the why behind actions and decisions is a powerful tool. It brings clarity, enhances motivation, improves decision-making, fosters innovation, builds trust, and leads to personal and professional fulfillment. Just as Apple, Google, and Amazon have shown, knowing your why can make all the difference. So, the next time you embark on a new project or face a tough decision, take a moment to ask yourself: Why? The answer could transform your journey.

So, find your ‘why,’ let it guide you, and see how it drives your success. If you need help discovering or articulating your ‘why,’ let’s connect!

I’m Sathya Narayanan, dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. let’s unlock your potential together!

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